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    List of publications of Stéphanie STAQUET

      Peer-reviewed journal articles (54)

  1. 33. Dumoulin, C., Karaiskos, G., Carette, J., Staquet, S., & Deraemaeker, A. (2012). Monitoring of the ultrasonic P-wave velocity in early-age concrete with embedded piezoelectric transducers. Smart materials and structures, 21. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/21/4/047001
  2. 34. Darquennes, A., Staquet, S., & Espion, B. (2011). Determination of time-zero and its effect on autogenous deformation. European journal of environmental and civil engineering, 15(7), 1017-1029. doi:10:3166/EJECE:15.1017-1029
  3. 35. Darquennes, A., Staquet, S., & Espion, B. (2011). Behaviour of slag cement concrete under restraint conditions. European journal of environmental and civil engineering, 15(5), 787-798. doi:10.3166/EJECE.15.787-798
  4. 36. Darquennes, A., Khokhar, M. I., Rozière, E., Loukili, A., Grondin, F., & Staquet, S. (2011). Early age deformations of concrete with high content of mineral additions. Construction & building materials, 25(4), 1836-1847. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.11.077
  5. 37. Darquennes, A., Staquet, S., Delplancke, M.-P., & Espion, B. (2011). Effect of autogeneous deformation on the cracking risk of slag cement concretes. Cement & concrete composites, 33(3), 368-379. doi:10.1016/J.cemconcomp.2010.12.003
  6. 38. Darquennes, A., Staquet, S., & Espion, B. (2011). Determination of time-zero and its effect on autogenous deformation evolution. European journal of environmental and civil engineering, 15(7), 1017-1029. doi:10.1080/19648189.2011.9695290
  7. 39. Staquet, S., Espion, B., & Toutlemonde, F. (2010). Innovation for the Railway Bridge Decks: A Prebent Steel-–VHPC Beam. Structural engineering international, 20(2), 134-137. doi:10.2749/101686610791283524
  8. 40. Staquet, S., Tailhan, J.-L., & Espion, B. (2009). Creep and shrinkage of HPC in prebended composite structures. Part II: in situ case study. Magazine of Concrete Research, 61(3), 201-212. doi:10.1680/macr.2008.00117
  9. 41. Staquet, S., Nguyen Van Phu, C., Derkx, F., & Toutlemonde, F. (2009). Experimental evaluation of the stress evolution in a steel-VHPC composite prebent beam with an active stressmeter. Experimental techniques, 33(2), 34-42. doi:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2008.00319.x
  10. 42. Staquet, S., Tailhan, J.-L., & Espion, B. (2009). Creep and shrinkage of HPC in prebended composite structures. Part I: modelling. Magazine of Concrete Research, 61(2), 95-107. doi:10.1680/marc.2008.00028
  11. 43. Staquet, S., Merliot, E., Nguyen Van Phu, C., Derkx, F., & Toutlemonde, F. (2008). Experimental determination of the stress evolution in a prebent steel-VHPC composite beam by means of an active stressmeter. Bulletin de liaison des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées, 273, 57-79.
  12. 44. Staquet, S., Merliot, É. E., Van Phu, C. N., Derkx, F., & Toutlemonde, F. (2008). Détermination expérimentale, au moyen d'un contraintemètre actif, de l'évolution des contraintes dans une poutre mixte acier-BTHP préfléchie. Bulletin des laboratoires des ponts et chaussées,(273), 57-79.

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